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Trophy (French trophee, German Trophae) usually means a symbol of victory, particularly in the shape of weapons seized. In hunting it is generally a part of the animal, which the hunter keeps for memory (e.g. a stag’s horns). Some people, enjoying their triumph over the law, take
due to their mental patterns of winning and losing, can generally be classified as war games - without competitive or adversarial relationships they cannot bloom (did Caesar actually wear a laurel wreath with flowers ...?). Less sports-minded people do not even try to compete against themselves
away other people’s possessions (thieves). Others run, swim or jump themselves to death in order to gain medals (Olympic athletes). Triumphal arches prove their triumphal symbolism by relief, i.e. through pictorial representations of those special events that led to their erection (imperial victories, battles, subjugation, acts of mercy, jubilees etc.). Even these few examples clearly demonstrate that sports activities and events, when they jog comfortably along the odd forest path. In fact, those given to idleness not only sabotage the leisure wear & sportswear industry, but appear to be completely useless as human material for the armies of this world. The coat of arms of this inert species should be the snail - just imagine knights in full armour with snail-decorated shields, or even the Bundeswehr with a snail logo...

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